Gun Safety Training

Gun Safety Training

pix5This handgun course introduces the participant to the Fundamentals of Firearms Safety, along with the skills necessary to properly handle a revolver and semi-automatic pistol. You will learn what a handgun will do, what it won’t do, and why it works the way it works.

The hands-on training will start with Proper Stance and Grip, Sight Alignment, Sight Picture and Trigger Control. Class will transition from classroom to the range. The student will fire 50-70 rounds, and receive the same basic training that a police officer receives at the Academy, except focused on self-defense. The lecture portion includes the legal aspects of owning, transporting and using a firearm in self-defense situations, along with tactics of self-defense. This class is certified by the Department of Public Safety in Arizona. Ammunition is not included.


Tuition: $35.00 per hour

Proof of age: Valid Driver’s License, or State ID

Gun: Any caliber double-action revolver or single action/double-action semi-auto pistol.

Your gun must be in good working order.

Eye Protection: Prescription glasses, sun or shooting glasses are required.

Ear Protection: Proper ear protection is required.

Click here to get started

45001 West Ed Green Lane
Maricopa, AZ 85239

Call us today at 520-568-1820, 520-568-3060 or fill out our online contact form.

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